Mind Weaver

Gunter Schmidt

A cognitive thinker,

Warrior of little words,

Blurry face in a mirror.

In the mind's silence,
Echoes of wisdom resonate.

A glowing amber gaze that often seems unattentive. Tones of voice that lack any commitment. Don't be deceived, the man has convictions.Broad-shouldered, but lean in build. Tall, and often he broods, with short, dirty blonde hair and a scar along the head. Hands are rough as if having been filled with holes, each with a dress to match.A lack of emotion, but the man does feel. Only it is distant, and distant does he often seem. Words come with uncertainty, and a strong accent.There is more to the man than his appearance, boring and dull.



With the difficulty of empathizing with people and being detached from his feelings, Gunter has found himself more logical than he was before.


A relatively gifted trait, Gunter knows true loyalty, and how to endorse it. Although hard to give this loyalty to anyone, so long as they display active acts worthy of this trust, as well as keep by his side, they will know none more devoured;


He tends to be patient with people, though ultimately this is only because of his detachment.


Gunter is detached from his emotions, as well as his body, and often has a lot of problems connecting to them, making him vulnerable to hurting people’s feelings when harsher and ignorant words leave him;


Ever since becoming a Cogimen, Gunter turned into a somewhat dull individual, unable to connect with people on an emotional level as often or as easily as most.


While he is patient with people, he is often a pushover, no matter how hard he tries to deny it. Often this is mostly displayed by his inability to think critically when dealing with his friends’ harebrained schemes.

Take a peek?

"To think, to see, to understand, to show the arse, to trick,
to suspect the worst, to question everything."

He, Who Owns

Kraut (Cabbage), Viridescence

A viridescence messer, fit to be wielded in one hand. The single-edged blade measures 80cm long. The archblossom hilt is built with a distinct scent-stopper pommel and nagel to guard the hand. There is a 'BV' maker's mark on the bottom of the pommel."Mind yourself."

Always at his hip.

Gunter's Gambeson


Often worn.

Chain Haubrek, Refined Steel


Often worn.

Short Dagger, Refined Steel

A bollock dagger crafted from a refined steel with a hilt of oak wood. The blade itself measures around (22cm). Upon the base of the steel blade a small sea serpent has been engraved.

On the opposite hip.

Leaf mail, Silverbloom leaves


Often worn.

Thoughts of confusion,
Moments in illusion.

( Basics ) 
( Appearance ) 
eyesunfocused, glowing amber
skinexceptionally pale - as if snow-touched
hairdirty blonde
bodylithe, athletic
voicea strict, particular hush

“It is the power of the mind
to be unconquerable.”


Feelings they urge me,
With wrong solutions.

Wilhelm von Conrad - Uncle, by Blood

An old and unpresent person in Gunter’s life, someone who breathes no more, but yet has managed to mark his presence in the man’s life. Someone he once thought was a simple, generous soul who offered a big tip to the then young barkeep is now someone he wishes he had never learned about.

Glenn Louvel - Good Friend, Vard

The man who shared the most experiences with Gunter, and someone he’ll hold dear whether the two are far apart or close. Their relationship is not what it once was, but he makes an effort to make it feel as little different as possible from what it used to be.

Bennett Varyn - Bully, Friend

The Varyn wasn’t always the good friend he is now, with the two having had a rocky start, if you can even call it that. Nonetheless, despite the butting of heads, the insults, the genuine murder attempts, Gunter feels the two have found some common ground, perhaps due to both maturing, mostly on Bennett’s part (he’ll never admit otherwise).

Maebh Alraun - Token Witch Friend

Despite having little to talk about or in common at times, the experiences the two shared and the time they’ve known each other, Gunter feels he can depend or be dependable to this blind witch.

seeking solace through my silence.
I have no expectations for tonight,

Mourin Grim - Close Friend

Another one of the Misfits, and another Gunter wasn’t entirely close to, but enough to consider him the dependable sort. Although some of his choices left the Cogimens puzzled, and at times concerned, it was never enough to give him a bad record on Gunter’s book.

Izhmoz Hakiaz - Close Friend, Gone

Another old friend, one who taught Gunter a good many things, mostly concerning morality. There was a time when they did not see each other, and in that gap, Gunter came to solemnly learn of the Eark’s passing in glorious fashion. He wishes he had been able to be there, and although he’ll speak to no one about it, he grieves for this old friend.

Rolland Schiff - Mentor, Friend

The man who taught him to fight, and the first to trust him enough to bring into a real battle. Gunter recalls the good memories they shared, as well as the bad ones, concerningly even the time he killed him, albeit not intentionally or sound of mind. He wishes he knew where this one had gone, though he hopes he found whatever he sought after.

Daeron Vow-Eldrin - Father-Like

Despite having had a father, and a good one at that, Gunter cannot deny he lost him too soon. Although he sees little of Daeron these days, he’ll never stop considering him something akin to a Father, for the lessons, faith and trust he placed on him. One of the last people he wishes to let down. One of the few people who keeps Gunter from utterly detesting the Gods.

you and me in this greek tavern
moon is high but so are we

Marian Olliran - Friend, Exalt

The two were never entirely close, in fact, they barely have ever had a proper conversation, especially by themselves. Their bond was mostly formed by Glenn’s presence, but the two have managed to keep a friendship despite the Bard’s absence.

Vaeril - Friend, Hero

Gunter cannot begin to explain the gratefulness he feels for this giant elf. Perhaps one of the only people Gunter could deem pure of heart. He hopes he can make him proud.


Gunter and Iskvandar met in a perilous situation, a rock to the eye that very nearly sent the Moor into an abyss. Despite this minor incident, it didn't stop Iskvandar from keeping occasional contact with the Misfits, which thereafter included Gunter in that mix.

Halvar Varyn - Varyn, Soulslike

Gunter knows little about this adopted Varyn, but what he does know leaves him wanting to learn more. An interesting sort, and well-aligned with people he would lay his life for, Schmidt hopes he can grow close to the young man, though all in its own time.

Valdosta - Scion, Schmion

A touch more than a fling, a fair bit less than love, Gunter met and fancied Valdosta. Their friendship based itself mostly on occasion, coming across each other's paths unintentionally, but he never complained about her company.

I can only carry these thoughts
as far as the wind will blow


One of the few Rangers Gunter has met, he finds Lysander to be the odd kind, though not in any malicious manner. He seems to carry himself intelligently, and quietly, and Gunter appreciates that. His intrigue has mostly spiked after seeing the ingenuity for a prosthetic he had a hand in designing, perhaps he’s someone to go to when a crazy idea comes to mind.



Guinevere Dugald




Faith Meadow




"Cogito, ergo sum.
I think, therefore I am.""